Eu Ukraine Association Agreement Eur Lex

EU Ukraine Association Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview of the EUR-Lex Document

The European Union (EU) and Ukraine have been working closely together for years to establish a closer relationship, which resulted in the signing of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. The agreement paves the way for closer political association and economic integration between the EU and Ukraine.

If you`re interested in understanding the ins and outs of the agreement, you`ve come to the right place. In this article, we`ll take a comprehensive look at the EU Ukraine Association Agreement, with a particular focus on the EUR-Lex document.

What is the EUR-Lex Document?

EUR-Lex is the official portal for accessing European Union law. It offers a comprehensive source of European Union law, including treaties, legislation, case law, and other official documents. The EUR-Lex portal is publicly available and free of charge, making it an essential resource for anyone seeking information on EU law.

The EU Ukraine Association Agreement is an example of a treaty available on the EUR-Lex portal. The document is available in multiple languages, including English, French, German, and Ukrainian.

Overview of the EU Ukraine Association Agreement

The EU Ukraine Association Agreement is a comprehensive document that outlines the framework for cooperation between the EU and Ukraine in a wide range of areas. It was signed on June 27, 2014, in Brussels, and entered into force on September 1, 2017.

The agreement aims to deepen political association and economic integration between the EU and Ukraine, as well as to promote reforms in Ukraine. It covers a broad range of areas, including trade, energy, and justice and home affairs. The agreement also provides for the establishment of a free trade area between the EU and Ukraine.

Some key provisions of the EU Ukraine Association Agreement include:

– The elimination of tariffs on goods traded between the EU and Ukraine, except for a few sensitive products

– Liberalization of trade in services, including financial services, telecommunications, and transport services

– Cooperation in the energy sector, including the promotion of energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources

– Cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs, including the fight against organized crime and corruption

– Strengthening of democratic institutions, including the rule of law, human rights, and the fight against discrimination

The EU Ukraine Association Agreement is a comprehensive document that aims to strengthen the relationship between the EU and Ukraine and promote mutual cooperation in a wide range of areas.


The EU Ukraine Association Agreement is an essential document in the relationship between the EU and Ukraine. Its provisions aim to deepen economic and political integration between the two entities while also promoting reforms in Ukraine.

The EUR-Lex portal provides easy access to the agreement and is an essential resource for anyone seeking information on EU law. By understanding the provisions of the EU Ukraine Association Agreement, you can stay informed about developments in the EU-Ukraine relationship.
